Tag / Im a Mortal

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  • Ron Cole Turner – Christianity and Immortality

    Episode 8:

    In today’s episode, we interviewed Ron Cole Turner, who is an expert in theology education working with Protestant clergy in training. He has been teaching students Presbyterian and other Protestant traditions.

    Listen now as we discuss topics about Christianity and its connection to immortality and theological questions.

  • Livia Kohn – Daoism and Immortality

    Episode 7:

    On today’s episode we interviewed Livia Kohn, a Professor of East Asian Studies and Religion at Boston University. Livia has been studying Daoism since the 1970s and is today, one of the leading experts of the religion.

    Listen now to learn about Daoism, Daoists practises & techniques to live longer, the history of Daoism, and what Daoists think of life extension and immortality.

  • Luigi Fontana – Diet, Metabolism, Medical Research

    Episode 6:

    Professor Luigi Fontana is a world-leading Medical Researcher, and the director of the Longevity Research Program at the Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney. He focuses on Longevity from aspects of diet, calorie restriction, metabolism, exercise, and much more

    Listen in to learn of his story of how he switched from being a medical doctor to a researcher, how food and activity alter our longevity, and how his passion for understanding calorie restriction science led to him conducting research across the world.

  • Dmitry Kaminiskiy – Deep Knowledge Ventures

    Episode 5:

    Dmitry Kaminskiy is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Deep Knowledge Group, and its consortium of non-profit organizations as well such as Longevity Capital, Deep Knowledge Analytics, Aging Analytics Agency, Longevity International and more!

    Listen to learn of his involvement in Longevity, Precision Medicine, Artificial Intelligence, why he established a $1 million USD prize for the first person to reach their 123th birthday, as well as his opinions on the past, present and future of the field!

  • Bruce Newbold – Demographics of Life Extension

    Episode 4:

    Bruce Newbold is a population geographer and a professor in the School of Earth, Environment & Society at McMaster University

    With the population today, life extension seems like a “new”, “bold” concept to think about. If you want to learn more about the Demographics of Life Extension make sure to check out Im a Mortal’s latest episode featuring Bruce.

  • Aubrey de Grey – The End of Aging

    Episode 3:

    Aubrey de Grey is the Chief Science Officer of Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation.

    Listen in to learn more about the history of the damage repair paradigm, Aubrey’s predictions for the future, and what the hallmarks of aging are.

  • goblet with yellows rays shooting out

    Im a Mortal – Introduction

    Listen in to learn more about the Im a Mortal Project, and what content you can expect to see from our team soon!


    Visit our website and social media pages to stay up to date!